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This classic quilted flap bag in Chanel Spring Summer 09 Pre-collection is just as much an It bag as the Chanel 2.55 bag always was. The bag is made from fine quilted supple lambskin with interlaced leather chain. Therefore, you can length the longchamp le pliage shoulder strap to carry it one long shoulder strap. It is the gold shinning CC clasp, the Valentines Day charms and the tender pink color that add the most intrigue to the bag. Except for its appealing outlook, the bag is also functional: with open pocket on the back, longchamp backpack lipstick holder and zip pocket under the flap and a 2-card slot pocket as well as a long patch pocket;
with a size of 19*13*7cm, the bag is smart and practical.All in all, I like the bag very much for not only its timeless style but also for the romantic feeling it brings. Actually, in order to understand Coco Chanel and her fashion, I watched the movie under her name again. A 3 hour long film is more like a fashion lesson. What Coco brings to fashion was a feeling of comfort, casual and strength. This originality longchamp sale is also embodied in this bag, because its interlaced leather chain is to give freedom to womens hands as well as their body. Coco really knew what women want.
If you ever try to move your worldly possessions from one to another new bag, the older bag will hide an Important Object from you in attempt to keep your loyalty to it. Unfortunately though it means we end up panicking and never finding Important Object for months. Sometimes to be extra sneaky, the old bag will hide the object in a hole in the bag lining so that you think you have lost the object for good. (A bit like when Carrie thinks she has lost her Carrie necklace in Sex and the City).4.Like cats, they dont like being cleaned.5.They dont appreciate the fact that they are too bulky to store neatly.
or shrink back to normal size for the leisurely activities of shopping or meeting up with girlfriends!3.Has to look elegant and pristine at all times. Even through rain, wind and sun.4.Needs enough pockets for quick and easy access to the following items: mobile phone, travelcard, ipod, make up, chewing gum, tissuesneed longchamp bag sale I go on?5.But most importantly, has to fit in with my style and look the part.To rent designer handbags visit www.kissmybag.com
The nice-looking handbag is very neat and well-designed in smooth and soft lambskin leather that is meticulously woven to perfection all throughout the bag. The woven design makes the bag more feminine and sophisticated. The polished silver metal hardware and shiny D. I. O. R letter charms dangling from the soft leather handle add a touch of modernity as well as nobleness to the overall design. This bag shall be
preferred in order to show the distinctive taste of life.